Issue 3 Page 4 Sep17 by admin on September 17, 2016 at 7:17 am Chapter: Issue 3 How does Miss Melee sync her phone with her headset? Purpletooth!
Things are building.
“The hell is that noise?”
“I’m driving with the top down.”
“Why do you sound out of breath?”
“I’m not, I was just jogging in the canyon.”
“I thought you were driving.”
“Right, I was driving… to the canyon… where I’m gonna jog.”
“That engine noise sounds really familiar somehow…”
Don’t worry. If he figures it out just use a memory erasing kiss like superman!
‘zat indigo meant to be purple? I always thought of it as a purplier-than-usual navy blue. I guess indigo is the best word.
That makes 2 so far; how many more will they need to get it?
And she will do more, that is a psychology issue…