If it is Abby, then EITHER or BOTH will have no idea at first, but as they recognize the similarity in acrobatical skill, they may put two and two together.
I’m guessing that Queen Evil plans to try to wear down Miss Melee by sending waves of her robot mooks at her.
Really? To Evil Lass has a grudge against Kid Melee (or at least wants to test herself against her)? That’s interesting and suggests that the Evil ladies have been around for a while, observing the Melees’ current activities.
However, I feel pretty certain that these two pairs are going to be rivals for a while!
Ooh! Ooh! This is the scene where the heroes fight all the minions while the villain stands back and shadow-boxes to encourage them, all to a peppy rendition of the heroes’ theme song. Biff! Zap! Pow!
Pawn? I guess some sort of android/robot thing… Evil Lass has a want-to to fight Kid Melee? Not a total surprise…
Outcome prediction? The Melees in two, maybe three strips.
So who is taking the bets for this smackdown? Looks the odds are against our new dastardly duo, but I imagine that this will end in an escape rather than an outright victory for the Melees.
Who can predict the odds of this fight???
I suspect that this is when we figure out whether Abby Adams is Evil Lass because, if she is, Jackie will know her rival’s moves on sight!
If it is Abby, then EITHER or BOTH will have no idea at first, but as they recognize the similarity in acrobatical skill, they may put two and two together.
I’m guessing that Queen Evil plans to try to wear down Miss Melee by sending waves of her robot mooks at her.
Really? To Evil Lass has a grudge against Kid Melee (or at least wants to test herself against her)? That’s interesting and suggests that the Evil ladies have been around for a while, observing the Melees’ current activities.
However, I feel pretty certain that these two pairs are going to be rivals for a while!
Ooh! Ooh! This is the scene where the heroes fight all the minions while the villain stands back and shadow-boxes to encourage them, all to a peppy rendition of the heroes’ theme song. Biff! Zap! Pow!
Pawn? I guess some sort of android/robot thing… Evil Lass has a want-to to fight Kid Melee? Not a total surprise…
Outcome prediction? The Melees in two, maybe three strips.
I’m thinking it’s a chess reference.
So who is taking the bets for this smackdown? Looks the odds are against our new dastardly duo, but I imagine that this will end in an escape rather than an outright victory for the Melees.
That would be the point of pawns: to be sacrificed for the benefit of more powerful pieces.
“Show her what you’re made of!”
Cut to a shot of the robot with it’s chest panel open showing off its electronics.
Or the Pawn playing a video on metallurgy and the construction of robotics.
Because one should be very wary about using figurative language around a creature that is entirely logical.