“Stop dodging, or I won’t be able to hit you again.” – “Oh sure, I’m so sorreeee…” 😉 Precision and speed beat brute force, they say. They’re not always right, but this time they might be. And no, I still haven’t quite figured out who these “they” are.
Eh, honestly, no 14 year old is going to do anything to a muscled up, trained fighter like that. The dodging maybe, but her hits shouldn’t be anything she hasn’t already trained against at a higher scale, especially if she was going to take on Miss Melee
Not so sure about that. That first kick looked similar to one from Capoeira. If it’s the one I’m thinking about, then her entire bodyweight was behind that kick. Assuming she weighs in the 95#-115# (quick google search for female high school gymnast), then using that type of kick would have been like taking a crowbar to the knee with at least 150# of force behind it, if not more due to momentum.
A trained fighter can only take just so many of those type of heavy hits to the knee before something gives way.
If that were the case, Dula wouldn’t have grunted in pain at that first kick. And, after the kicking, her legs are trembling *now*, when they weren’t earlier.
Problem: once KM takes her down, then what? Dula will just keep coming back, and sooner later our heroine’s luck will give out. Killing or crippling Dula right now would be clear self defense, but it isn’t that kind of comic.
WOOOOOOOOO!! Go Kid Melee!
There are plenty of badass one armed mofos.
There aren’t many badass one legged mofos
Break the root and the tree will fall.
Work the knees works every time.
“Stop dodging, or I won’t be able to hit you again.” – “Oh sure, I’m so sorreeee…” 😉 Precision and speed beat brute force, they say. They’re not always right, but this time they might be. And no, I still haven’t quite figured out who these “they” are.
Eh, honestly, no 14 year old is going to do anything to a muscled up, trained fighter like that. The dodging maybe, but her hits shouldn’t be anything she hasn’t already trained against at a higher scale, especially if she was going to take on Miss Melee
Not so sure about that. That first kick looked similar to one from Capoeira. If it’s the one I’m thinking about, then her entire bodyweight was behind that kick. Assuming she weighs in the 95#-115# (quick google search for female high school gymnast), then using that type of kick would have been like taking a crowbar to the knee with at least 150# of force behind it, if not more due to momentum.
A trained fighter can only take just so many of those type of heavy hits to the knee before something gives way.
I’ve thought that her escrima sticks look a bit like crutches. Might her legs be paralysed or numb? If which case, Kid Melee is wasting her time here.
If that were the case, Dula wouldn’t have grunted in pain at that first kick. And, after the kicking, her legs are trembling *now*, when they weren’t earlier.
Problem: once KM takes her down, then what? Dula will just keep coming back, and sooner later our heroine’s luck will give out. Killing or crippling Dula right now would be clear self defense, but it isn’t that kind of comic.
Force her to be Bouncy Belle’s new sidekick….