Been waiting to see this rematch with Dula.
I hope she has a cunning plan
Now I’m curious to see how she beats the weight, reach, height and likely training advantage :p
Villains talking about honour is always a reason to be extremely wary.
Frankly, I’d point out that she’s a criminal and tase her.
We haven’t seen her actually commit any crimes outside fighting Kid Melee. It’s possible that Dula is one of those wondering fighter types or the whole thing could even be a misunderstanding.
There’s a chance that Dula could be a Superhero that Kid Melee mistook for a Villain.
She’s not.
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Been waiting to see this rematch with Dula.
I hope she has a cunning plan
Now I’m curious to see how she beats the weight, reach, height and likely training advantage :p
Villains talking about honour is always a reason to be extremely wary.
Frankly, I’d point out that she’s a criminal and tase her.
We haven’t seen her actually commit any crimes outside fighting Kid Melee. It’s possible that Dula is one of those wondering fighter types or the whole thing could even be a misunderstanding.
There’s a chance that Dula could be a Superhero that Kid Melee mistook for a Villain.
She’s not.