I’ve got the feeling that these four are going to end up having a toe-curling discussion about family bonding and alternate lifestyle in a 24-hour McDs or something.
personally i got the image of jan quickly kicking the ass of a group of unaware goon to another one bites the dust, with the volume slowly rising until at full volume you just see her sending them flying everywhere
It has been said, by someone who should know, that the difference between a villain and a supervillain is Presentation. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy2zB8bLSpk)
I haven’t heard that there is anything similar about heroes and superheroes.
Robot Minions (TM) courtesy of Make-A-Minion, Inc.
Because finding good minions is so hard, so why not just make your own!
Three automated responses included free.
Potentially the “usual” supervillain problem that several heroes in the comics — as well as quite a few readers — have pointed out over the years: Spending significantly more on equipment with which to commit crimes than they’re really likely to gain from those crimes… or using technologies which they could make a lot more money from by licencing their use for more legitimate purposes…
TV Tropes refers to the latter issue as ‘Cut Lex Luthor A Check.’ Granted, Lex is already ridiculously rich, but he could out earn the GDP of most midsized countries if he wasn’t always directing so much of his effort to taking on Superman.
Alright Kid Melee, this is the perfect time to give some pointers:
If you’re going to fight, fight. Sure, we gotta give them a chance to surrender because we’re ‘good’, but don’t overdo it
Next, on clothing. No capes.
Note the lack of protective padding, reinforced gauntless and such. Would you rather be plain and strong or pretty and hurt.
This is priceless.
Isn’t it in the Evil Overlord Handbook somewhere that should be making big monologues? I think this counts as one, so expect certain butt-kickage.
I’ve got the feeling that these four are going to end up having a toe-curling discussion about family bonding and alternate lifestyle in a 24-hour McDs or something.
I have the feeling that they really don’t know what their doing or even if their really doing what they appear to be doing.
Kid Melee wonders why she and Miss Melee don’t have a fancy introduction,well Jan probably didn’t bother with one during her younger days…!
Suddenly, I’ve got this mental image of Jan dropping in one a thug from above singing the Mighty Mouse theme tune: Here I Come to Save the Day!
personally i got the image of jan quickly kicking the ass of a group of unaware goon to another one bites the dust, with the volume slowly rising until at full volume you just see her sending them flying everywhere
It has been said, by someone who should know, that the difference between a villain and a supervillain is Presentation. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy2zB8bLSpk)
I haven’t heard that there is anything similar about heroes and superheroes.
Well, that’s because there isn’t a distinction on the hero side:
‘You see a monologue, you Thwart, amIright? ‘
Go get em, girls.
A perfectly valid question, tbh
To protect the world from devastation….
“I am the pretty girl sailor solder…”
“With catlike tread…”
Nice G&S reference. 🙂
Everything about this is perfection.
Just lovely.
I love the robots throwing confetti.
Robot pawns throwing confetti is great. And Jan’s expression in the last panel is priceless.
Robot Minions (TM) courtesy of Make-A-Minion, Inc.
Because finding good minions is so hard, so why not just make your own!
Three automated responses included free.
Potentially the “usual” supervillain problem that several heroes in the comics — as well as quite a few readers — have pointed out over the years: Spending significantly more on equipment with which to commit crimes than they’re really likely to gain from those crimes… or using technologies which they could make a lot more money from by licencing their use for more legitimate purposes…
TV Tropes refers to the latter issue as ‘Cut Lex Luthor A Check.’ Granted, Lex is already ridiculously rich, but he could out earn the GDP of most midsized countries if he wasn’t always directing so much of his effort to taking on Superman.
And that effort is only because Supe’s has a strong predilection to thwart and scheme that would lead to world domination.
and the answer is “because we are not dorks”.
Alright Kid Melee, this is the perfect time to give some pointers:
If you’re going to fight, fight. Sure, we gotta give them a chance to surrender because we’re ‘good’, but don’t overdo it
Next, on clothing. No capes.
Note the lack of protective padding, reinforced gauntless and such. Would you rather be plain and strong or pretty and hurt.
Waiting for your reply
Do we suspect that Evil Lass might have a particularly acrobatic combat style…?
Jan: “Less talking, more butt-kicking.”