Look who’s baaaaaaack!
Thanks for reading issue 8, everyone! We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed making it! We’ve got some guest pages to come, and then full steam ahead into issue 9! Stay tuned!
Look who’s baaaaaaack!
Thanks for reading issue 8, everyone! We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed making it! We’ve got some guest pages to come, and then full steam ahead into issue 9! Stay tuned!
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Villain team-up!
I think that it’s actually going to be ‘villainous consulting and, if I were Queen Evil, I’d trust Guerreira slightly less far than I could spit a hippopotamus. Why? Because the Big G has her own revenge agenda and something tells me that she isn’t going to be too interested in sticking to anyone else’s plan!
Guerreira is probably going to be calling Evil Lass ‘Evil Brat’ before this team-up is done!
Lmao at the random scolding mid-conversation. Definitely mom and daughter.
Queen Evil and Evil Lass? Those names are trying so hard, they hurt themselves.
I’m of the opinion that they’re LARPers who have got too into the game and can’t find their way out (if they wanted to, which they don’t). I’m pretty sure that they’ll respond to their eventual defeat by saying “But it was just a game!” in this bewildered voice as if that makes all the property damage, assaults and thefts somehow harmless fun!
That doesn’t fit anything we’ve seen from them so far. They seem to be normal villains.
I get the feeling that Guerreira’s the Peridot/Xatra of the series.
this was a good strip.
How refreshingly straightforward. “I’m paying, ain’t I?”
Well… Is she paying G to train THEM so they can program her new combat pawns? Or are they going to use her to train/program her robots to fight FOR them? Verbiage is key. Either way… Yay for the return of the badass Brazilian Ninja!