Or maybe she’s thinking, that there’s been too many close calls, and that the benefits of keeping the secret aren’t worth the cost. This particular close call may have just driven the point home.
Thing is, they believe they’re escaping due to the villain’s ineptness. They probably don’t have cause to think they’re being monitored.
Evil Lass may get her wish for an unmasking, her mom’s professional courtesy or not.
That’s the rational me, thinking aloud.
The creative me thinks it’s not smart to kabitz a running gag/story element unless you have a very clear idea where you’re taking the story from here.
Yeah, I think that this is the worst possible time for a revelatory confession… Or it might be the best, depending on how Queen Evil really regards this fight.
I don’t think that the truth will be revealed at this point. Something will interrupt, such as one of the death traps activating or one of the Melee cycles turning into a humanoid robot and smashing through the wall.
Overly Drawn Out “Suspense” Writing 101. I want to say that it’s a bad cliche but the really annoying part is that such behavior is often one of the most realistic things about a lot of comics (particularly ones involving superheroes) because a lot of people really are that dense.
There’s a reason average intelligence is what it is. Consider: For every smart person, there must be a roughly equivalent dumb one. So just under half the population of the Earth is measurably denser than the rest.
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Close call! Now’s probably not a good time to tell her.
Or maybe she’s thinking, that there’s been too many close calls, and that the benefits of keeping the secret aren’t worth the cost. This particular close call may have just driven the point home.
Thing is, they believe they’re escaping due to the villain’s ineptness. They probably don’t have cause to think they’re being monitored.
Evil Lass may get her wish for an unmasking, her mom’s professional courtesy or not.
That’s the rational me, thinking aloud.
The creative me thinks it’s not smart to kabitz a running gag/story element unless you have a very clear idea where you’re taking the story from here.
“No…*I* am your mother!”
“No, that’s not true!”
“Search your feelings. You KNOW it to be true!”
I feel like this should have a shout-out to the end of Empire Strikes Back in there somewhere, but this does not quite feel like it.
Yeah, I think that this is the worst possible time for a revelatory confession… Or it might be the best, depending on how Queen Evil really regards this fight.
I don’t think that the truth will be revealed at this point. Something will interrupt, such as one of the death traps activating or one of the Melee cycles turning into a humanoid robot and smashing through the wall.
And you tell me this now?
Yeah, inside the villain’s lair, or at least a base they hold captured heroes in? Not really the best place for that conversation.
Little does she know she actually has perfect reception where she is, the Evil’s just made that her wallpaper.
the fact that it cuts off before “tell you” tells me that she’s about to get interrupted.
Overly Drawn Out “Suspense” Writing 101. I want to say that it’s a bad cliche but the really annoying part is that such behavior is often one of the most realistic things about a lot of comics (particularly ones involving superheroes) because a lot of people really are that dense.
There’s a reason average intelligence is what it is. Consider: For every smart person, there must be a roughly equivalent dumb one. So just under half the population of the Earth is measurably denser than the rest.