And that wraps up issue 20! We’ll be taking a short break and Miss Mele will return on May 15th! Mark your calendars!
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And that wraps up issue 20! We’ll be taking a short break and Miss Mele will return on May 15th! Mark your calendars!
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Either there was a long time skip between pages or that is one powerful freezer…
Or the materials making up Belle’s super-suit are just that sensitive to low temperatures
Also, I’m not certain on this but I’ve read that if one is hypothermic or borderline that the sudden change in core temperature from drinking a hot beverage can potentially cause lethal shock and the prescribed treatment is warming from the outside-in.
Though I don’t suppose this is something a high school assistant coach who’s defining trait appears to be the belief that she was underrated as an athlete would know.
I can bear the troubles of Boingy Betty with great fortitude
But hot baths and warm drinks are part of standard treatment for hypothermia
All I remember is that when recovering from frostbite, you’re supposed to heat your core rather than your extremities. Your body essentially stops blood flow to your extremities to preserve core temperature, and warming your hands restarts the blood flow, sending a bunch of near freezing blood from your arms to your core all at once. You have to heat your body evenly, basically.
So, some kind of super-material makes up Belle’s suit?
Well, this is me but I can’t see a disaffected schoolteacher and thug could have access to bleeding-edge materials technology. This makes me think that SABR was not the first supervillain that Lord Kharva made just to test the world and weaken his many foes.
I am mildly satisfied that I guessed bouncy Betty’s identity. This is slowly turning toward all the recurring villains being connected to Jackie.
Talk absout a cold shoulder.
Glad to see that both mother & daughter are patching things up.
Well that was kind of a rushed resolution between mother and daughter.
Question, if Melee and Riot were busy raising children, who was protecting the City while they were being Mom’s?
Wait so is bouncy belle also the coach or do they just look similar?