Not so sure. Hero universes tend to have really stupid criminals. Just so many of them that police forces can’t keep up.
My only head shake is these guys are obviously new at this. An experienced henchman when hearing ‘we have them out numbered!’ puts his hands in the air. Because he knows that just means the hero is about to get a light cardio on them.
I don’t think so. I think that some of them get into the criminal game just to get beat up by super heroes and Heroines. Then when they get to prison they have this really cool story and they get all kinds of instant credibility. In universes where there are multiple heroes/heroines the criminals try to one up each other with stories of what they did and how they were captured and who they were captured by. But the artist never show this part because it has no impact on the storylines.
Like the comic, but for once I would like to see criminals with brains. “Oh it’s that hero that defeated an army of Ninjas” *drops their weapons and prepares to be handcuffed
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Looks like all you ‘got’ was a bit of leg action from a superhero mom.
… … that didn’t sound quite so dirty in my head.
Ain’t that a kick in the head?
I just had a thought: They’re bait, aren’t they?
Three huge thugs in ski masks mugging an old couple in broad daylight seems like the perfect bait to draw out a superhero.
Not so sure. Hero universes tend to have really stupid criminals. Just so many of them that police forces can’t keep up.
My only head shake is these guys are obviously new at this. An experienced henchman when hearing ‘we have them out numbered!’ puts his hands in the air. Because he knows that just means the hero is about to get a light cardio on them.
I don’t think so. I think that some of them get into the criminal game just to get beat up by super heroes and Heroines. Then when they get to prison they have this really cool story and they get all kinds of instant credibility. In universes where there are multiple heroes/heroines the criminals try to one up each other with stories of what they did and how they were captured and who they were captured by. But the artist never show this part because it has no impact on the storylines.
That is NOT how you treat a motorcycle helmet!
Unless she kicks them each once and then catches it before it lands. I could live with that.
*well-placed toss, helmet lands on bike handlebars, swings like a gibbering gibbon*
Like the comic, but for once I would like to see criminals with brains. “Oh it’s that hero that defeated an army of Ninjas” *drops their weapons and prepares to be handcuffed