Those glove on Lotus Lynx look awkward for actual use. There appears extra material, which would bunch up.
A. I know this is a comic.
B. I know that Lynx do have larger paws for getting prey in the winter snow.
I like that Kid Melee is confident, but not overconfident. She probably had had that drilled out of her by Osakan Riot. One of the things I like to see in a fighting superhero is competence, and even more, I love it when that competence is rewarded.
You were about to say, “She won’t be a push-over”?
“Miss Melee won’t be able to resist 1-hit KOing me!”
i see the training is paying off, nice block and counter there KM
“Your overconfidence is your weakness.”
“Your faith in your friend is yours.”
Clues for the clueless:
1) Do not attempt to fight a mistress of the martial arts at point-blank range using a gimmicky variant of slap-fu;
2) Don’t stay at point-blank range if they’re blocking all of your attacks and it is pretty clear that you’re only annoying them.
Lotus Lynx is probably thinking something along the lines of: “NO! That’s my SPLEEN! Put it BACK!“
Those glove on Lotus Lynx look awkward for actual use. There appears extra material, which would bunch up.
A. I know this is a comic.
B. I know that Lynx do have larger paws for getting prey in the winter snow.
On the other hand, great job so far, Kid Melee!
As long as the fingers are solid material and fit tight, it shouldn’t matter- like you said, it’s the bunching up that’s a problem.
But yeah.
could be animatronic/mechanical
Ouch. That, uh…that looks like Kid Melee does not know her own newly-trained strength and may not have learned how to hold back yet.
Nah, she’s fine. Just a swipe.
I like that Kid Melee is confident, but not overconfident. She probably had had that drilled out of her by Osakan Riot. One of the things I like to see in a fighting superhero is competence, and even more, I love it when that competence is rewarded.
Miss Melee won’t be a…ble to punch me right in the face with ease. LOL.
Love the contrast of Lynx throwing these big swipes and Jackie just defending until she gets her timing down and sees her opening. Kid’s a natural!
Did she just break his jaw?
It looks like she punched him directly and frontally in the chin, driving his jaw back is VERY painful-looking way.
Take down the Customized Kigurumi Criminals.