Issue 3 Page 11 Nov05 by admin on November 5, 2016 at 8:08 am Chapter: Issue 3 A shocking return! Refresh your memory on Osakan Riot here!
There’s something about Osakan Riot that reminds me of wrestling. I can’t quite put my finger on it but its differently there.
Osaka? How do you get around with all that stuff? An SUV?
Hang on, beating up people with sports equipment isn’t a power…
Unless its super strength to lift all that stuff… which would amplify the damage she inflicts with the sports equipment…
Someone order the big case of excedrin painkillers?
Neither is kicking people in the face
Nevermind the magical disguise power of domino masks, nobody will recognize me through FACE PAINT!
Is that just me, or does she looks like she got some weight to lose ?
That will definitely be the right exercise xD
Wow, totally did not see that coming and I should have. Thought it was going to be the kid again lol!
That’s one heck of a utility belt.
Got an awesome Casey Jones vibe going here! Love it!
The gang looks a little bit like the Madmen ( with the wild hair and slight color variations.
HA! Okay nice subversion there. XD