I can No Prize this for you: “She wore a purple and white body suit thing, with a purple mask shaped kinda like so. She had black hair in a… pony tail? I wanna say it was unruly, in any case… Oh! And she carried herself with a kind of… youthful enthusiasm.”
Okay. Good to know that’s been taken care of.
And she dropped a hint to him.
Poor guy’s gonna feel really dumb someday
Clearly, she said “Thanks, bunnyman!”
Miss Melee is a fan of Echo and the Bunnymen after all.
So does Janice put on a very convincing alternative voice for Miss Melee, or is Mark just too dim to recognise his wife’s voice?
Jan puts on a more superhero-y voice while in costume.
I figured she did, but that’s not all he ought to recognize. That mask and hair tie are about as effective a disguise as Superman’s glasses.
So… super effective against anybody in-universe, terribly obvious to anybody watching through the fourth wall.
I can No Prize this for you: “She wore a purple and white body suit thing, with a purple mask shaped kinda like so. She had black hair in a… pony tail? I wanna say it was unruly, in any case… Oh! And she carried herself with a kind of… youthful enthusiasm.”
So he really is that clueless. Or he´s playing us through the 4th wall….
Boo! When you get married, you should always tell your spouse if you are a superhero.